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Environmentally Friendly Dental Products & Practices

Image of plastic vs. bamboo toothbrush

Sustainability is a huge buzzword these days, and for good reason. Of course, we all want to minimize our negative impact on the earth. That means you might be looking at what you can do in your everyday life to reduce the ways in which you harm the environment.

One less recognized aspect of our day-to-day where it is possible to make some positive changes is in oral health care practices. And while some of these changes may seem small, when you practice them every day and add them to other sustainable daily habits, you can make a meaningful contribution.

Eco-Friendly Dental Products

When choosing dental products, be mindful about the environmental impacts of the options you pick. Some simple swaps can make a big difference over time.


You should change your toothbrush or toothbrush head every 3-4 months so that the bristles remain effective. However, tossing your toothbrush so frequently can mean a lot of plastic waste.

To lessen the impact, consider bamboo toothbrushes or ones made from recycled plastic. Also, consider an electric toothbrush with a replaceable head. These replacement heads are smaller than a full toothbrush. Remember to always choose a toothbrush with soft bristles and the ADA seal.


There are a couple of ways that you can make flossing more sustainable. One is by choosing a biodegradable dental floss. Look for products that are made from silk. Also, certain floss pick brands are better than others; you can choose one made from recycled plastics or one that is completely compostable. A refillable floss pick is another great option.

Pay Attention to Packaging

Sometimes, we don’t notice the packaging of the products we buy. Unfortunately, a lot of packaging ends up in landfills. Try to make it a habit to notice packaging, and when you can, choose a product with less or recyclable packaging.

Environmentally Conscious Habits

Changing our daily dental habits is one zero-cost way to make a positive impact when it comes to the environment.

Use Less Water

A simple and impactful habit you can start is to turn off the tap while brushing your teeth. A typical tap sheds 1-2 gallons of water per minute. So by turning off your faucet while brushing (2 minutes, twice a day), you can potentially save up to 4 gallons of water from being wasted per day. That’s over 1400 gallons per year!

Also, use cold water. There is no benefit to your teeth from using warm water to brush and rinse. So why waste the energy to heat up water?

Ditch Disposable Cups

If you use a cup to rinse, try not to use disposable cups. Choosing to use a reusable cup is the most environmentally friendly option. If you do want to use disposable cups, choose biodegradable paper cups or remember to recycle plastic ones.


Many plastic toothbrushes are actually recyclable, so if you choose to use them, remember to recycle them. The same goes for toothpaste tubes, mouthwash bottles, and even dental floss containers. And don’t forget to recycle packaging when possible.

Regular Dental Checkups

You heard us right. Regular dental checkups can actually benefit the environment. Getting a dental checkup and cleaning twice per year can go a long way toward helping you to maintain good oral health. Preventative care reduces the need for more involved treatments, which could have greater environmental impacts.

So contact our office to make your appointment today, and start being more mindful of the impact of your oral health care choices. The sooner you make the switch to more sustainable habits, the more positive impact your efforts can have.

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