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Full Mouth Dental Restoration FAQ

Due to the scope of the procedure, a full-mouth reconstruction requires extensive planning and multiple visits to the dentist. Restoring comfort and functionality to your smile can be achieved with a wide range of treatments, including porcelain crowns, veneers, dental implants, fillings, and other restorative dentistry treatments. 

The benefits of a full-mouth restoration are many, and patients are always thrilled with their new smiles and improved confidence. Here’s everything you need to know when considering a full mouth dental restoration. 

Creating a Full-Mouth Reconstruction Plan

A complete full-mouth restoration typically consists of various restorative and cosmetic treatments. Some of the most common concerns addressed by a full-mouth restoration include:

Restoration Treatment Options For Any Issue

Depending on the general condition of your teeth, your dentist will likely recommend treatments based on your overall goals. Some patients may require more extensive procedures to rehabilitate and reconstruct the mouth. If you suffer from extensive dental decay or have several damaged teeth as a result of trauma, our team at Tompkins Dental can relieve discomfort while improving the functionality and appearance of your smile. 

Dental Implants

The most common treatment in complete mouth restoration is a dental implant. Implants can help to replace missing teeth or a severely damaged tooth using a titanium frame that is installed into the jawbone that acts as a root. A crown is then placed, allowing the implant to function like a natural tooth. 

Root Canal Therapy

For teeth that have suffered significant tooth decay or damage, a root canal procedure can help to save your tooth. Root canal therapy is an endodontic procedure, which means it treats the inside of a tooth. The only way to reliably treat pulp infection and permanent pulp damage due to inflammation is by having root canal therapy. By treating the affected tooth and removing its pulp entirely, your tooth can be saved by replacing the infected pulp with a rubbery filling material. 

Teeth Whitening 

As we age, it is common for teeth to become dull and yellow. This is in part due to age itself and also due to what a person eats and drinks. Drinking coffee, tea, and wine, for example, can cause your teeth to stain. Brushing your teeth after consuming dark-colored foods and beverages can help to prevent stains, but it’s typically not enough. 

In-office whitening treatments can brighten your smile up to eight shades lighter, which is six shades more luminous than the average store-bought whitening treatment. Our professional whitening solutions can completely transform the appearance of your teeth in an exceptional way. If you are looking for a quick and straightforward way to immediately and dramatically improve your appearance, a professional whitening treatment is an excellent option. 

Crown Lengthening

Crown lengthening is a standard surgical procedure that removes gum tissue, bone, or both or exposes more of a tooth. Patients that suffer several common tooth and gum alignments are often the ideal candidates for crown lengthening. Crown lengthening works by removing part of the gum to expose more of the tooth below. A series of small incisions around the tooth are made to remove excess gum tissue. Frequently, minor reshaping of the bone beneath the gum is also required to allow for the gum tissue to stay permanently in the new position. Crown lengthening can be performed on a single tooth or multiple teeth for a more dramatic effect. 

Full-Mouth Reconstruction Costs

A full-mouth reconstruction often includes several comprehensive treatments performed by a highly skilled dental professional. As such, the cost may be prohibitive for some patients. If you are interested in learning more about specific treatments or to determine if you are a good candidate, contact Tompkins Dental today!

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