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Is Your Pool Bad for Your Teeth?

Woman with a white smile in the pool

Summer is on its way, and we bet you can’t wait to beat the heat by jumping in the pool. But while a refreshing swim is a fantastic way to stay cool and active, you may want to be aware of the potential risks that pool water can pose to your oral health.

The Surprising Link Between Pool Water and Tooth Erosion

Many people don’t realized that there can actually be oral health concerns associated with swimming pools. This is because tooth enamel, the protectiveouter layer of your teeth, can be gradually worn away by exposure to acidic substances. But how does this relate to pool water?

Improper Pool Maintenance and pH Levels

To keep pool water clean and safe, it must be treated with chemicals like chlorine. However, when pool maintenance is neglected or the chemical balance is off, the water can become overly acidic. Swimming in a pool with a low pH level (below 7.0) can cause the acidic water to erode tooth enamel over time.

Swimmer's Calculus

Another pool-related dental concern is a condition known as swimmer's calculus. This issue occurs when the teeth are exposed to high levels of chlorine, leading to a buildup of hard, brown tartar deposits. While swimmer's calculus is more common among competitive swimmers who spend hours in the pool each day, it can affect anyone who swims frequently in improperly maintained pools.

Signs of Pool-Related Tooth Damage

Tooth damage from swimming is uncommon. But if you're a regular swimmer, you should be aware of the signs of pool-related tooth damage.

If you notice any of these symptoms, you should make a dental appointment.

Protecting Your Smile in the Pool

There is no need to stop swimming. As we mentioned, these issues are rare. However, if you are concierned, there are steps you can take to protect your smile.

Check the Pool's pH Levels

Before diving in, use a pool testing kit to check the water's pH levels. A a pool that is well balanced should have a pH between 7.2 and 7.8. If the levels are outside this range, alert the pool manager or adjust the chemicals accordingly if it's your own pool.

Avoid Injesting Water and Rinse Your Mouth After Swimming

Make an conscous effort to keep your mouth closed while swimming. In addition, after each swim, take a moment to rinse your mouth with fresh water. This helps wash away any acidic or chlorinated water that may be lingering on your teeth and gums.

Maintain Good Oral Hygiene

Brushing your teeth twice daily with a fluoride toothpaste and flossing daily helps maintain strong, healthy teeth.

Drink Lots of Water

Drinking sufficient water will help stimulate saliva flow, which naturally helps neutralize acids and protect your teeth. Aim to drink water before, during, and after your pool sessions to keep your mouth hydrated and your smile healthy.

Schedule Regular Dental Check-Ups

Visit your us regularly for check-ups and cleanings. We monitor your oral health, detect any early signs of pool-related tooth damage, and provide personalized advice on how to protect your smile while swimming.

Enjoy the Pool Without Compromising Your Smile

If you have concerns about pool-related tooth damage or simply want to ensure your smile stays healthy all summer long, call us today to make an appointment. Our team is here to provide the expert care you need to keep your smile healthy in every season!


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