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Managing Chronic Tooth Sensitivity For Under $10

Experiencing chronic pain and discomfort from sensitive teeth and gums can make even the simplest daily tasks uncomfortable. Biting into hot foods, sipping a cold beverage, or brushing and flossing can be uncomfortable for anyone with sensitive teeth. 

Sensitive teeth can be caused by exposed tooth roots, worn tooth enamel, or other factors like bleaching your teeth. With a variety of treatment options for sensitive teeth, it’s hard to know which treatment is going to be the one that gives you much-needed relief. 

Managing chronic tooth sensitivity at home is easier to manage than you may think, and these sensitivity solutions all cost less than $10 to try. 

Rethink Your Brushing Technique 

Brushing with too much force or using a toothbrush with hard, coarse bristles can quickly wear down and damage both your teeth and gums. A poor brushing technique can lead to many issues, including gum recession and enamel erosion, both of which are directly linked to tooth sensitivity. 

Many patients don’t realize that you don’t have to be heavy-handed to clean their teeth. Always start with an extra soft toothbrush, which protects enamel surfaces and gums while gently removing surface stains. Using light pressure with short back-and-forth or circular strokes is the best way to clean the surface of each tooth, and brushing your teeth should take about two minutes. 

Always Use a Desensitizing Toothpaste 

Those experiencing tooth sensitivity should always brush with a desensitizing toothpaste. This specially-designed toothpaste contains compounds that help to shield nerve endings from everyday irritants. The most active ingredient found in desensitizing toothpaste is potassium nitrate, a compound that blocks pain signals traveling from the nerves in your teeth to your brain. You will find nearly-immediate relief after only a few uses. 

Rinse Frequently With Saltwater

Salt is a common household item that can help to reduce inflammation and alleviate mouth pain and discomfort. Thanks to its natural antiseptic qualities, gargling with saltwater twice a day can help to give your teeth relief from sensitivity while washing away harmful bacteria. 

An effective saltwater rinse includes ½ to ¾ tsp of salt mixed into a glass of lukewarm water. Swish the mixed solution in your mouth for up to 30 seconds, and do not swallow the solution after use.

Rinse With Hydrogen Peroxide 

A hydrogen peroxide rinse can relieve pain and swelling in the mouth, much like a saltwater rinse. In addition to killing harmful bacteria, hydrogen peroxide can reduce plaque buildup and heal bleeding gums. Additionally, some studies suggest that using a hydrogen peroxide mouthwash can reduce symptoms of gingivitis. To create your rinse, mix 3% hydrogen peroxide with equal parts water. Swish it around in your mouth, and never swallow the mixture.

Strengthen Tooth Enamel With a Remineralizing Mouthwash 

A fluoride mouthwash can help to strengthen your tooth’s enamel layer, which protects against tooth sensitivity. Fluoride also helps to protect against tooth decay and cavities while remineralizing soft spots. Using a fluoride mouthwash daily after brushing your teeth is a simple and cost-effective way to reduce tooth sensitivity.

Know When To Ask For Professional Help

Inexpensive home remedies for tooth sensitivity will only provide you with temporary relief. If you suffer from chronic tooth sensitivity and home remedies, only mask the symptoms, consult with your dentist. A thorough dental examination can help explain the cause of your tooth sensitivity, and we can help you find a permanent solution for any issue. 

Tompkins Dental is here to help you find permanent relief from sensitive teeth. For more tips on managing chronic tooth sensitivity for under $10, contact Tompkins Dental today. 

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