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What To Know About IV Conscious Sedation Before Your Appointment

Patients suffering from dental anxiety, low pain tolerance, or extreme tooth sensitivity can benefit significantly from sedation dentistry. Many dentists are now using various dental sedation techniques that aim to help patients through necessary dental care without experiencing any pain or anxiety.

Read on to learn more about IV conscious sedation and how it compares to other sedation dentistry forms. 

How IV Conscious Sedation Works In Dentistry 

Intravenous (IV) sedation is a type of anti-anxiety drug administered through the blood during dental treatment. IV sedation dentistry is sometimes referred to as “twilight” or “sleep” dentistry; however, you won’t be put to sleep. The sedative helps patients to relax and feel at peace during treatment. Most can respond to their dentist’s questions while under sedation, but you will not likely remember your procedure once the sedative wears off. 

Benefits of IV Dental Sedation

Reduced Dental Anxiety

One of the top reasons we utilize dental sedation is to help patients who are exceptionally nervous or anxious about their appointment regardless of the treatment being performed. Some patients avoid visiting the dentist strictly because of their fears, and their teeth have suffered because of it.

Limited Mobility and Relaxation

Another primary reason why patients choose dental sedation is to help someone incapable of remaining still during a procedure. Those who cannot stay seated for prolonged periods without pain or small children who cannot sit still may benefit. Dental sedation can allow someone to sleep, so the dentist can safely fix any dental issues without causing pain or trauma to the patient.

Other Types of Dental Sedation

Nitrous Oxide

Most commonly known as “laughing gas,” this inhalant is used to relax patients during routine dental procedures. You will be fully conscious while breathing nitrous oxide, making it ideal for most dental patients suffering from dental anxiety. The effects are very mild, and you will begin to feel the benefits soon after breathing it. This type of gas wears off very quickly, allowing patients to often drive themselves home after a procedure. 

Oral Sedation

“Conscious sedation” or oral sedation involves taking a prescribed dose of sedative before your procedure. This type of sedation will leave you awake for the procedure while allowing your body to relax significantly. Patients who have higher levels of anxiety often benefit from this type of sedation. You will feel wholly relaxed, able to communicate with your dentist, and may not even remember your entire dental treatment. 

Local Anesthesia

Local anesthesia is frequently used during the majority of dental procedures that affect tooth or gum structure. A localized painkiller is injected at the worksite and numbs the area to prevent the patient from feeling discomfort. Local anesthesia may be used in combination with nitrous or oral sedation to make your appointment completely painless. 

General Anesthesia

General anesthesia is an option for patients who experience crippling anxiety surrounding dental treatments. During general anesthesia, the patient will be completely unconscious. This form of sedation has some risk attached, as well as a more extended recovery period. General anesthesia may also be used for specific dental procedures, including wisdom teeth extraction and oral surgery. 

The Right Dentist Will Help You Find The Right Type of Sedation

When it comes to determining what type of sedation is the right choice for you, we can help. Depending on your dental anxiety level and the type of treatment you’re having performed, Tompkins Dental will discuss the various forms of anesthesia available before your treatment. Together, we will determine the best sedation tactic for you and your comfort level. To learn more about the types of sedation used in dentistry, contact Tompkins Dental today to schedule a consultation appointment. 

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